vbet10 sponsors the GAIMIN GLADIATORS team

vbet10 officially joined forces with a professional e-sports team in Western Europe to become the official global sponsorship partner of the GAIMIN GLADIATORS team. vbet10 joins hands with e-sports teams, opening up a new way of cross-border cooperation between the two parties, marking an important step for vbet10 in the field of digital e-sports. vbet10 will help the Gaimin team expand the new potential of digital entertainment in the world, jointly create an unparalleled new event experience for global audiences, and maximize the commercial value and international influence of e-sports.

vbet10 sponsors 12 football/e-sports clubs, and the GAIMIN GLADIATORS team is the only e-sports team. This shows that vbet10 highly recognizes it in the e-sports industry and hopes that it can become a dark horse in the global e-sports industry and become a new trend in the e-sports industry with its super capabilities. For the 12 official partners of vbet10, you can check the previous brand promotion article “vbet10 sponsors 12 internationally renowned clubs and is committed to international sports.” Real Madrid Football Club, Chelsea Football Club, Inter Milan Football Club, etc. are all partners of vbet10.

The Gaimin Gladiators (GG for short) team is a Western European team. Although it has only been established for just over two years, the actual history of this team is actually much longer. The GG team is an e-sports organization from Canada. It has a long-standing reputation in the fields of cards, fighting games and Warcraft. The signing of the TT team is their first appearance in the Dota2 field. Team Tickles was established in the reshuffle after TI10. Two contestants from the defunct Vikin.gg starred. Team coaches ImmortalFaith have remained with Miroslav “BOOM” Bičan and Melchior “Seleri” Hillenkamp, while Team Tickles has added three new players for a fresh start in the 2021-22 Dota Pro Circuit. The members of the GG team come from different countries. Russia, the Netherlands and other countries have provided outstanding members to the team.

Anton Shkredov

He is a Russian Dota2 player currently playing for Gaimin Gladiators. His nickname “DyrachYO” contains the Russian word “Дурачьё” which means “fool”. Highest average kills per match (8.72) during the 2021/22 DPC WEU Upper Division tour

Melchior Hillenkamp

Dutch Dota 2 player currently playing for Gaimin Gladiators. His career high number of assists in a single game is 35. During ESL One Germany 2020, he achieved this feat by playing for Vikin.gg as the Undying King in Game 3 of their group stage series against Ninjas in Pajamas.

Quinn Callahan

Last season, he played for Quincy Crew/Soniqs, who were firmly in the top three of the North American DPC, and appeared first in the TI11 North American qualifiers. He has been in the North American division since his debut in 2016, and this time he chose to leave the comfort zone of North America. He went directly to the most popular Western Division to compete in the new season. The GG team was the first non-North American division team in his career.

Excellent team members are the key to the team’s excellent results. vbet10 and the GG team will carry out in-depth cooperation in digital e-sports, commit to expanding new models of the global e-sports market, and reward players with more exciting competitions and entertainment content. vbet10 is deeply involved in the field of sports and has now vigorously entered the field of e-sports. Starting from the new gameplay and new ecology of e-sports, it will create an ecosystem independent of the system, provide stable and safe products and services, and provide many domestic and overseas online players with stable and safe products and services. Online e-sports entertainment provides users with a perfect entertainment and competitive experience.